Pediatric Hypertension Program

U.S. News - Nephrology - Stanford ChildrensOur Pediatric Hypertension Program at Stanford Medicine Children’s Health provides comprehensive, streamlined care for hypertension (high blood pressure) in children of all ages, including premature babies, healthy children, and children with complex health needs. As one of the only dedicated, comprehensive pediatric hypertension programs in Northern California, we bring together a team of multidisciplinary experts who diagnose and treat mild to severe hypertension.

Hypertension is on the rise in children, and it’s important to catch it early. Childhood hypertension often has no symptoms, but left unchecked it can affect your child’s future health. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that healthy children receive blood pressure checks every year starting at age 3 to catch hypertension. Children with an underlying medical condition, such as heart, kidney, or liver disease, have secondary hypertension, while children with hypertension with no identified underlying cause are likely to have primary hypertension .

Why Stanford Medicine Children’s Health for hypertension care

  • Tailored, proactive care. Every child’s hypertension is unique. That’s why we spend ample time exploring and understanding your child’s exact needs and creating a treatment plan that follows the latest best practices designed just for them.
  • Deep expertise and knowledge. Because we are a large pediatric hospital, we see childhood hypertension often, and we treat some of the sickest children with hypertension in the nation. This deep understanding of hypertension results in expert and accurate care decisions that empower your child to live his or her best life. Our program, led by nephrologists, accesses a wide range of specialty services to guide complex care, including cardiology, endocrinology, interventional radiology, and specialty programs like the Pediatric Cardiorenal Program, and the Connective Tissue Disorders Program. We collaborate with our adult Stanford Hypertension Center, a nationally designated center, to ensure that young adults receive the care they need.
  • Advanced diagnostics. Every child receives a 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) test—the gold standard for diagnosing hypertension as well as for monitoring treatment response—and we use leading-edge technology to investigate underlying causes.
  • Convenient, all-around care. We know that hypertension is influenced by a variety of factors, including exercise and eating habits, emotional and social stress, and medical conditions. During your child’s visit, you will also see our dedicated dietitian who guides healthy habits, and a social worker who will support you with resources for home and school. The families have access to a dedicated pediatric nephrology nurse who they can reach out to in between clinic visits for any concerns.

Pediatric hypertension and kidney health: IG Live with our experts

To shed light on this important issue, Stanford Medicine Children’s Health recently hosted an Instagram Live session as part of National Kidney Awareness Month, with Sara Kibrom, MD, and Abanti Chaudhuri, MD, pediatric nephrologists specializing in diagnosing and treating kidney diseases.

Learn more about the key insights they shared >