Yes, There's an App for That

We’ve listed some smartphone apps that the American Academy of Pediatrics has helped produce, as well as others that our patients have found helpful.

Recommended apps

MommyMeds Apple Version
MommyMeds Android Version
Search by name or scan a barcode to an over the counter or prescription medication. App content on drug safety for pregnancy and breastfeeding based on evidence-based research by Dr. Thomas Hale at Texas Tech University Health Science Center's InfantRisk Center.

Car Seat Check
Expert advice from the American Academy of Pediatrics on selecting and safely installing the right car seat for your child.

KidsDoc Apple Version
KidsDoc Android Version
Featured on the American Academy of Pediatrics parenting website, this app helps you evaluate your child's symptoms and decide what to do next.

Mole Mapper
Free app that allows you to measure and map the moles on your skin. Your photos and data are stored locally on your device and can only be seen by you.

Period Tracker Apple Version
Period Tracker Android Version
Discrete phone icon reads Ptracker. Logs dates and predicts the start date of your next period based on the previous three months' data.

Birth control reminder app with several notification features.