
Read about Altos Pediatric Associates and Hospital Drive Pediatrics, which both joined Stanford Medicine Children’s Health in 2018, and other news featuring our Altos Pediatrics Associates' pediatricians.

US FDA Approves GSK's Combo Meningococcal VaccinePatty Sabey, MD, explains the benefit of have a 5-in-1 vaccine for meningococcal diseases.

A Parent’s Guide to Dealing with Head LicePatty Sabey, MD, provides advice on what is head lice and its symptoms, what to do if your child has lice, and how to prevent getting it, in a blog and HealthTalks podcast.

Get Your Child Ready for School with a Yearly Well VisitPatty Sabey, MD, describes the importance of annual visits to the pediatrician as parents get ready for another school year.

5 Doctor-Approved Tips for Feeding Picky Eaters During Distance LearningPatty Sabey, MD, shares how to get kids to eat a nutritious breakfast and lunch during the virtual school day.

Tips Parents Need to Know About Poor Air Quality and Caring for Kids With AsthmaAmy Oro, MD, shares how to protect children with asthma when the air quality is poor.

Which Flu Vaccine Should Children Get This Year?Kimberly Trujillo, MD, explains why the flu is more than just a bad cold, and having your child get a flu vaccine is important.