High-Risk Infant Care

Life Course Care of the High-Risk Infant

We are committed to ensuring the ongoing care of our newborns through our partnership in the CPQCC with California Children’s Services (CCS) to administer the statewide High-Risk Infant Follow-Up (HRIF) Quality Care Initiative. The CCS HRIF Program follows high-risk newborns through their third birthday.

The Division of Neonatal and Developmental Medicine includes a Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics section where a dedicated research team conducts several studies that assess the neurodevelopmental outcomes of children born preterm.

View a complete list of Development-Behavioral Pediatrics research studies and learn more about enrollment criteria.

New blood test can detect premature birth

Measuring RNA fragments in a pregnant woman’s blood gives a reliable estimate of the baby’s due date and can predict if the baby will arrive prematurely, a Stanford-led team has shown.

Learn more about the test