Research and Innovation

We are involved in groundbreaking research and advancements in maternal heart care to improve your care and outcomes. Here are some examples of our revolutionary work:

  • Researching health disparities (differences) among minority pregnant women with heart conditions and actively working toward health equity.
  • Conducting basic research to evaluate women with heart conditions during pregnancy within our Maternal Pregnancy Heart Program. This increases our collective knowledge so that we can continually improve care for all expectant women with heart disease.
  • Improving care for women with heart conditions after pregnancy.
  • Creating standards of care for other hospitals in the nation and world to follow when caring for women with congenital or acquired heart conditions who want to start a family.

Relevant research studies and efforts

Here are some of the research studies and trials we’re conducting to help improve care and outcomes for pregnant women with heart conditions like you.

Learn more about our research studies >