Lucile Packard Children's Hospital is proud to bring health education to your living room! Here, you will find our latest community health education lectures and health tips and tricks from our physicians and staff. Check back periodically for new arrivals!
Mythbusters: Our Annual Seminar in Celebration of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week
Kara Fitzpatrick, PhD, Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Comprehensive Eating Disorders Program - Stanford Medicine Children's Health
Your Child's Health University lecture at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford, March 2, 2017
Bulimia and Binge Eating in Teens: What We Know and What To Do
In honor of National Eating Disorders Week, the Divisions of Adolescent Medicine and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, together with the Comprehensive Eating Disorders Program at Stanford is hosting their annual community lecture for families, physicians, teachers and other practitioners caring for those with eating disorders. Dr. Kara Fitzpatrick will provide an update on Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder giving both clinical and research implications and Dr. Shelley Aggarwal will present on the medical complications of the same in children and adolescents.
Developmental Assets: A Common Sense Approach for Raising Kids
Mary Patterson, MPH, Director of Strategic Partnerships, The Health Trust and Heart to Heart Instructor at Stanford Children’s Health discusses the 41 Developmental Assets as identified by the Search Institute along with Project Cornerstone and the YMCA. The Developmental Assets are a guideline established for kids 8-12 years of age. YCHU Lecture held 1.20.2016 in the Freidenrich Auditorium, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford.
Let’s Talk About It: Recovery from an Eating Disorder: A Personal Story
Dr. Neville Golden, Chief of Adolescent Medicine and the Marron and Mary Elizabeth Kendrick Professor in Pediatrics and Dr. Jennifer Derenne, Clinical Associate Professor in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry both at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford as well as Kristina Saffran, co-founder of Project HEAL ( discuss recovery from an eating disorder looks like. February 26, 2015
Teens and Their Parent: Promoting Stress Reduction and Improving Wellness in this GoGo World
Dr. Shelley Aggarwal, Clinical Instructor in the Division of Adolescent Medicine at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford and Dr. Jennifer Derenne, Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine present ways in which young people and their parents can understand stress, identify it, and better manage it.
Preventive Hip Care for Children & Adolescent Athletes
Dr. Stephanie Pun, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Stanford Child & Adult Hip Preservation Center. Your Child’s Health University lecture held at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, November 2014.
Life After an Eating Disorder
Dr. Alison Darcy, Instructor in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Stanford University School of Medicine. Your Child's Health University lecture held at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford February 2014
Beyond Adolescent Angst: Helping Teens Manage Anxiety and Intense Emotions
Dr. Sanno Zack, Clinical Assistant Professor and Assistant Director of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Outpatient Services at Packard Children's Hospital and Dr. Rebecca Rialon Berry, Clinical Instructor and Licensed Psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine
Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll: What Parents Should Know
Dr. Seth Ammerman, Medical Director of the Teen Health Van and Clinical Professor of Adolescent Medicine at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital discusses the common as well as the trendy risk-taking behaviors he sees in his medical practice, how to identify problems and where to find resources.
What Every Parent Needs to Know About Children and Headaches
Dr. Susy Jeng, Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurology, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford University
It's Time to Talk About It: Eating Disorders in Late Childhood and Preteens
with Dr. Cynthia Kapphahn, Dr. Kara Kitzpatrick, Casey Keane-Miller, RD, and Anne Sinha, OT
YCHU Lecture held at Packard Children's Hospital February, 2013
Riding the Roller-coaster: Emotional Intelligence and Emotion Regulation in Adolescence
with Dr. Kara Fitzpatrick
YCHU Lecture held at Packard Children's Hospital November 2012.
The Surprising Risk of Back Problems in Children: What Every Parent Should Know Now!
with Dr. Meghan Imrie
YCHU Lecture held at Packard Children's Hospital August 2012.
Integrative Medicine and Children: What parents want to know about dietary supplements and mind body therapies
with Dr. John Mark
YCHU Lecture held at Packard Children's Hospital March 2012.
It's Time to Talk About It: The Brain and Eating Disorders
with Dr. Neville Golden, Dr. Kara Fitzpatrick, Dr. James Lock, and Dr. Cynthia Kapphahn
YCHU Lecture held at Packard Children's February 2012.
Staying Healthy through Four Seasons of Sports
with Dr. Meghan Imrie
YCHU Lecture held at Packard Children's Hospital October 2011.
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Innovations in Minimal Access Pediatric Surgery and Technology
with Dr. Sanjeev Dutta
20th Anniversary Lecture Series held at Packard Children's Hospital March 2011.
Watch video
Innovations in Comprehensive Care: The Center for Fetal and Maternal Health
with Dr. Susan Hintz & Dr. Deirdre Lyell
Watch video
Eating Disorders: Risks and Warning Signs with Dr. Neville Golden
Part 1
Eating Disorders: Risks and Warning Signs with Dr. Neville Golden
Part 2
Eating Disorders: Acute and Chronic Health with Dr. Cynthia Kapphahn
Part 1
Eating Disorders: Acute and Chronic Health with Dr. Cynthia Kapphahn
Part 2
New Insights into the Neurological Basis of Eating Disorders with Dr. Kara Fitzpatrick
Part 1
New Insights into the Neurological Basis of Eating Disorders with Dr. Kara Fitzpatrick
Part 2
New Insights into the Neurological Basis of Eating Disorders with Dr. Kara Fitzpatrick
Part 3
Eating Disorders: The Latest with Dr. James Lock
Part 1
Eating Disorders: The Latest with Dr. James Lock
Part 2
*Many of our online lectures are also available on Stanford University iTunes and YouTube.
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