Our General Surgery Team

In this age of high technology and rapidly advancing medical science, no procedure is a one-surgeon show. Rather, surgeons approach surgery as a collaboration, working closely with experts in comfort and pain control (anesthesiologists), laboratory physicians (pathologists), critical care specialists and imaging experts (radiologists).

In addition, comprehensive care of children like yours often requires consultation and cooperation with other specialists, such as oncologists (cancer), obstetrician/gynecologists (pregnancy and birth), urologists (urinary system), neonatologists (newborn care) and genetic counselors.

Stephanie Chao, MD

Dr. Chao is the program director of the Chest Wall Program. She is board certified in General Surgery and Pediatric Surgery.

Areas of expertise:Biliary disorders, chest wall anomalies, congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), disorders of the spleen, gerd, hernias, intestinal disorders, minimally invasive surgery, neonatal congenital anomalies, neonatal surgery, pectus carinatum, pectus excavatum, pediatric trauma, pediatric tumors

Bill Chiu, MD

Dr. Chiu is board certified in Pediatric Surgery and General Surgery.

Areas of expertise:Pilonidal disease

James Dunn, MD, PhD

Dr. Dunn is the division chief of Pediatric Surgery and he is the John A. and Cynthia Fry Gunn Director of Pediatric Surgery. He is board certified in General Surgery and Pediatric Surgery.

Areas of expertise:Pediatric surgery, short bowel syndrome, intestinal motility disorders

Gillian Fell, MD, PhD

Dr. Gillian Fell is board certified in General Surgery and Pediatric Surgery.

Julie Fuchs, MD

Dr. Fuchs is board certified in General Surgery and Pediatric Surgery.

Gary Hartman, MD

Dr. Hartman is board certified in General Surgery, Pediatric Surgery and Surgical Critical Care.

Areas of expertise:Pediatric surgery, thyroid surgery, laparoscopic and thoracoscopic surgery

Thomas Hui, MD

Dr. Hui is board certified in General Surgery and Pediatric Surgery.

Areas of expertise:Pediatric surgery

Jeong Hyun, MD

Dr. Hyun is board certified in Surgical Critical Care, General Surgery and Pediatric Surgery.

Areas of expertise:Trauma

Faraz Khan, MD

Dr. Khan is board certified in General Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, and Surgical Critical Care.

Areas of expertise:Pediatric surgery

Claudia Mueller, MD, PhD

Dr. Mueller is board certified in General Surgery and Pediatric Surgery.

Areas of expertise:Chest wall, trauma

Janey Pratt, MD

Dr. Pratt is board certified in General Surgery.

Areas of expertise:Minimally invasive surgery

Wendy Su, MD

Dr. Su is board certified in General Surgery and Pediatric Surgery.

Areas of expertise:Chest wall, trauma

Karl Sylvester, MD

Dr. Sylvester is board certified in Pediatric Surgery.

Areas of expertise:Fetal and pregnancy health

James Wall, MD

Dr. Wall is board certified in General Surgery and Pediatric Surgery.

Areas of expertise:Chest wall, trauma

  • Tamara Winston- Administrative Division Director
  • Kyla Dalusag, RN - Outcomes Nurse
  • Samrawit Gebregziabher- Pediatric Surgery Fellowship Coordinator
  • Elena Harnish- Clinical Research Coordinator
  • Rosa Madera - Bariatric Administrator
  • Elizabeth Marquez - Clinical Operations Coordinator 
  • Ivonne Navarette- Administrative Associate
  • Dalia Michel - Outcomes Coordinator
  • Kristina Tolentino - Administrative Associate