General Surgery

Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford has been reverified as a Level 1 children’s surgery center by the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Children’s Verification Program. This means that our hospital possesses the necessary resources to meet pediatric patients’ surgical needs and is committed to the highest level of care for all children when they need it most. This distinction makes our hospital one of the only five Level 1 children’s surgery centers in all of California.

Surgery for children at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford is offered by a highly trained, expert team of surgical professionals who specialize in the diseases and conditions affecting young people. Our general surgeons work exclusively with infants, children and adolescents and understand their unique needs.

We understand that children aren’t simply small people who suffer from the same diseases adults do and respond to the same surgical solutions. Rather, children have specific illnesses and require care by people with specialized knowledge and training in surgical treatment for children.

Our pediatric general surgery team takes a compassionate, family-centered approach to care. Our team cares for each child in collaboration with other health care professionals, the child and the family. We believe this team approach leads to the best outcomes for the children we treat.

Minimally invasive and scarless surgeries. That’s how we make our mark.


Why choose us?

The pediatric general surgery team at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford is dedicated to taking care of children and providing the best possible care.

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