“I strive for respect and kindness in my visits.”
Over my many years of practice in pediatrics, I have learned to listen to the little things, taking time to be thorough and attentive in each visit. Babies in particular have a special magic about them; even though they can’t talk, if you listen closely and watch carefully, you can learn a lot from them. I feel privileged to be invited into a family, to care for their babies, and become a trusted source of information as their children grow to adulthood.
As the world of pediatrics evolves, and as a mother myself, I hope to show my patients and their families that I can empathize with their stories, as well as learn from them. I strive for respect and kindness in my visits, and for each child and family to know that they are well cared for in my office.
1295 E. Hillsdale Blvd.
Foster City, CA 94404
Mapas, direcciones y estacionamiento
Teléfono : (650) 574-2774
Fax : (650) 341-9236
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 05/31/1990
UCSF Pediatric Residency, San Francisco, CA, 06/30/1993
Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics, 2021
Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics, 1993
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