How Much Do You Know About Tonsils and Adenoids?

Test your knowledge of tonsils and adenoids by taking this quiz, based on information from the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS).

1. Tonsils are on the back of the throat. Where are the adenoids located?
2. What do your tonsils and adenoids do?
3. Which of these is a common problem with tonsils?
4. Most cases of tonsillitis occur in which age group?
5. Which of these may be a symptom of tonsillitis?
6. Along with a sore throat and fever, which of these can be a symptom of an adenoid infection?
7. How are infections of the tonsils or adenoids usually treated?
8. When do tonsils or adenoids need to be removed?