Eating Slowly, Avoiding After-Dinner Snacks May Prevent Obesity

Putting your fork down between bites isn’t just good manners—it turns out it’s good for your waistline, too.

People who eat slowly are less likely to become obese than those who eat quickly. In addition, skipping after-dinner snacks may help keep excess pounds at bay. This is all according to a new study published in the journal BMJ Open.

Eating Slowly Reduces Obesity Risk by Up to 40 Percent

Researchers in Japan examined data for nearly 60,000 men and women who were diagnosed with diabetes and had health checkups between 2008 and 2013. During those visits, participants answered questions about their eating habits.

Compared with self-described “fast eaters,” those who ate slowly were about 40 percent less likely to be obese; those who ate at a normal pace saw their likelihood of obesity drop by 30 percent. People who avoided snacks after dinner were 15 percent less likely to be obese than those who continued munching.

According to researchers, eating more slowly helps you to tune into the signals telling you that you’re full so you can stop before you eat too much.

Minimize Distractions, Drink Water, and Swallow Before Taking Another Bite

If you’re guilty of gulping down your grub, here are a few things you can do to put the brakes on your speed-eating tendencies:

• Don’t eat in front of the TV.

• Take a few sips of water after every few bites.;

• Chew and swallow each bite before putting more food on your fork.

 For more helpful information about obesity, visit