Mindfulness Skills for Parents

For parents of children/adolescents/adults with a psychiatric condition, including anxiety, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, attention deficit disorder, bipolar, depression, intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities and other developmental disabilities.

This education program offers instruction in mindfulness practices including meditation and its application for reducing stress and improving self-esteem and quality of life for parents. The program includes didactic presentations, guided meditations and time for dialogue and sharing around how mindfulness can address parenting. In between classes participants are instructed to cultivate daily meditation practice as well as applying mindfulness to parenting and other daily activities.

Topics we will be exploring include:

  • What is mindfulness?
  • How can it help me as a parent?
  • How can we better manage our own difficult emotions as parents?
  • How can we move from coping to living more meaningful lives?

View course info at the Stanford Autism Center.