Lara Anne Lembach

Lara Lembach, MD


Stanford Medicine Children’s Health — Pediatrics
5575 West Las Positas Boulevard, Suite 340
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Fax: (925) 847-9754

“Pediatrics is so rewarding that I can’t imagine doing any other type of medicine.”

My Approach

Children are open, brutally honest, affectionate, and resilient. Even when they are sick and miserable, they do and say the cutest, funniest things. As a pediatrician, you get to watch children grow up and become contributing members of society. It’s amazing to think you helped play a very small part in that process. Pediatrics is so rewarding that I can’t imagine doing any other type of medicine.

I have a collaborative approach to health care. As a physician, I am the leader of the health care team, but I value input from all members of the team, including parents. I also have two children, so I can relate to a lot of the challenges parents face. Ultimately, we all have a vested interest in providing the best care possible to every child, and we all need to work together to make that happen.


Stanford Medicine Children’s Health — Pediatrics

5575 West Las Positas Boulevard, Suite 340

Pleasanton, CA 94588

Maps, Directions & Parking

Phone : (925) 847-9777

Fax : (925) 847-9754

Work and Education

Professional Education

University of California at Irvine School of Medicine, Irvine, CA, 05/31/1995


Children's Hospital Los Angeles Pediatric Residency, Los Angeles, CA, 06/30/1998

Board Certifications

Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics, 1998


