Amina Ahmed, MD


South Bascom Pediatrics
15899 Los Gatos Almaden Road, Suite 4
Los Gatos, CA 95032
Fax: (408) 356-7774

“I give my whole heart to the patient ... sharing my advice, skill, and knowledge.”

My Approach

It is invigorating to continue education throughout our lives, and medicine provides this opportunity at every turn! I feel privileged to work with children and have an impact on an entire generation that will become the owner of tomorrow. I believe you can truly change the course of a nation by working with children. And it goes both ways; every patient I work with teaches and molds me in return.

The partnership I work to build with families is full of honesty and compassion. It is so rewarding to be part of each family’s unique journey of raising their child and watching them thrive. I never hesitate in initiating a dialogue to work together on a problem. If there is a question, I am willing to listen and work with them, and if there is something I need to learn, I will learn it. I give my whole heart to the patient ... sharing my advice, skill, and knowledge.


South Bascom Pediatrics

15899 Los Gatos Almaden Road, Suite 4

Los Gatos, CA 95032

Maps, Directions & Parking

Phone : (408) 356-7770

Fax : (408) 356-7774

Work and Education

Professional Education

Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore, Pakistan, 04/08/2006


Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, Newark, NJ, 06/24/2014

Board Certifications

Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics, 2018


